Special Offers
Our Guarantee To You
Armour Tyre Sealant will not separate or harden, is water-soluble, safe for you and for the environment, with no shelf-life and will last the life of your Tyre.
It will seal punctures up to 15mm in size and up to 95% in tubeless tyres and 75% in tubed tyres.
My daughter had to call me recently to come and help because they were stranded on the side of a dodgy road with a puncture and did not want to get out. Racing there I was so scared for their safety. I saw the demonstration of the sealant and I got the opportunity to stab the tyre with the spike and saw it seal immediately before my eyes. Bought 9 bottles on the special and put it in all our cars, bikes and trailers for the whole family. No more risk for us at less than R150 per tyre. Definitely recommend. Watch out for latex competitors that I tried - that stuff glues the tyre shut.
Prevent you from standing on a road side with a puncher, excellent product . yes I will recommend this product.
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