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Installation Guide

Here, you’ll find everything you need to get your Manual Pump up and running. From unboxing to troubleshooting, our comprehensive video guides ensure a smooth installation process. If you need any help, don’t hesitate to reach out through our support form.

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Unboxing Your Valternative Manual Pump

Get ready to unveil your new Manual Pump!

Remove contents from the box. The four main components are the pump, red lid, hose with connectors and a bag containing the handle, locking collar and calibration spacer.

  1. Drop the calibration collar onto the pump shaft (it may be necessary to loosen the thumbscrew), followed by the calibration spacer and then screw the handle onto the pump shaft. Screw the hose assembly into the side of the handle. Once the hose is connected pull the calibration collar up the piston shaft and lock it in place under the plastic spacer. The handle, spacer, and collar should all be touching at the top of the piston shaft.
  2. Remove the plastic lid from the sealant pail and replace it with the red pump lid. Tighten the three thumbscrews to anchor the cover to the pail. Insert the pump through the clamping collar from the topside of the cover and push the pump to the bottom of the pail. Tighten the machine screw and nut in the clamping collar, being careful not to overtighten. The pump is now ready to use.

Once complete and the calibration spacer fitted, the pump will dispense 250ml per pump stroke

Installing With Your Manual Pump

Tyre Installation and Pro Tips

Troubleshooting Common Issues

What can go wrong?

Maintaining Your Pump for Longevity

Keeping Your Pump in Prime Condition

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